Bread Dilemma

In our quest to be “oil-free” we have had to read every label and modify some cooking habits. Many of the bread products one may consume do have added oils. I believe the only two we have found that we actually LIKED that do not contain oil are the Mestemacher brand and Dave’s Killer Good Seed variety.

I typically bake our own though, as it tastes better and we know exactly what is in it. My usual bread maker “Whole-wheat white ” home-baked loaves (not as healthy, as this is more refined) uses a bit of Canola Oil, so we switched to the truly Wheat version. It takes 3 hrs and 20 min. now to cook a Wheat loaf, as opposed to only an hour of the cooking time for the more refined, oil-based one. There is an element of “Planning Ahead” required for such an endeavor…

Also, making pancakes which used to be quick and easy now requires some planning and thought. I cannot see making an oil-free version of the pancakes only to fry them on a griddle! I tried doing an oil-free stove top cooking and it did not work so well. It ended up with my having to bake them in the oven, as could not cook long enough for them to properly be done without burning. Even at a lower temperature (see below one on the left that looks “crispy”) the pancakes were not turning out “right” on the stove top griddle. I also feared I would ruin our good crêpe pan by continuing the experiment.

While one could try to experiment with fruit jams/toppings or slather with something sweet to mask the “crispiness” I prefer not to burn things or have them undercooked on the inside. There is a “happy-medium” to this process and once we find it I will share! The good news is we do not have to give up the foods that we enjoy in order to give up the plaque-causing, inflammatory oils.


Happy medium = “ScanPan” (made in Denmark), got it on Amazon & requires no oil to cook pancakes.

Donna Mueller